GFOA Alberta Policy Handbook



Program Development


GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual

Policy Type:
Board of Directors
Number: 3.1     Download
Policy Name:
Program Development
Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020
Date of Last Amendment:

This policy is intended to guide the “Operational” aspect of the Association and lies within the realm of the Executive Director to implement; however, the Board of Directors (Board) sets this policy for Administration.

Task Force Authority

      • Task Forces will report to the Executive Director
      • Task Forces will complete Meeting Notes (which include recommendations) as soon as possible and share them with the Board once approved.
      • The Executive Director represents the Task Forces’ recommendations and brings Board decisions back to the Task Forces.
      • The Executive Director accountability is to the Board
      • The Executive Director will be responsible/accountable for Task Forces.
          • Task Forces will have clear delegated authority/budget to operate within and make decisions
          • Engagement activities will be entrenched in the Policies of the Association and Terms of Reference for Task Forces.
          • Task Force Chairs are invited to attend the Fall in-person Board meeting.
      • The Executive Director performance review will include input from the Task Force Chairs.
      • The Board will receive Scorecards from each Task Force, as updated.

Program Planning within Board and Task Forces

      • Program planning is to be done within the guiding principles of the Association, the goals and the Strategic Plan of the Association (the Board will set those).
      • Business Plans will be set by each Task Force at the onset of the year with those guiding documents in mind and will be submitted to the Board for approval.
      • Task Forces will submit budget requests to the Board in a timely matter to ensure adequate resources are available to carry out their Business Plans.
      • The Executive Director is responsible to ensure that Business Plans of each Task Force are reviewed annually.

Legislative Requirements

All legislative requirements with respect to the Association Bylaws, Employment, Contract and other applicable laws are required.


    Membership Services


    GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual

    Policy Type:
    Operations –  Member Services
    Number: 3.1.2.    Download
    Policy Name:
    Membership Services
    Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020
    Date of Last Amendment:


    GFOA Alberta values its membership and would like to continue to maintain a strong level of participation and support from Municipal Organizations, as well as maintain a high level of member satisfaction within the Association.

    With the support of Administration, the Board of Directors (Board) leads and coordinates by providing information and support services to Alberta municipal finance staff and their municipal organizations, through a set of Task Forces, staffed by committed volunteers who generously donate knowledge and time to help advance the cause of the Association for GFOA Alberta members.

    Core functions of Communications, Emerging Issues and Professional Development are led by the Chairs of standing Task Forces. As issues arise, Ad Hoc Committees are formed, perform their work and dissolve once they have accomplished their purpose as identified in Policy 2.2.5 – Committee Definition, Responsibilities & Principals.

    Membership Opportunities

    GFOA Alberta is committed to providing access to information, professional development opportunities, hosting an annual conference and volunteer opportunities to all members.

    Membership Evaluation/Satisfaction

    The Board will meet annually with the Task Force Chairs to determine the Functions, Goals, Metrics, Targets and Strategies for the Board and each of the Task Forces. These plans will be outlined within the Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is reviewed annually to ensure the Board and Task Forces are meeting the membership needs and wants as identified through member evaluations.

    Evaluations will be done at the GFOA Alberta Conference and after each Professional Development session.




    GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual

    Policy Type:
    Operations –  Member Services
    Number: 3.1.3     Download   
    Policy Name:
    Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020
    Date of Last Amendment:

    General Policy

    GFOA Alberta hosts an annual conference to provide its members with valuable opportunities for professional development and networking within our industry. The main objective of this policy is to ensure the location of the annual conference varies from year to year and that responsibility for organizing the conference is shared by municipalities throughout the province. Annual provincial GFOA conference locations will be selected based on the following criteria.

    The Executive Director is responsible to select conference locations. To facilitate conference planning, the Executive Director will determine the conference locations using a 3-year timeline.

    Criteria for Annual Conference:

    1) Geographic Location – The preference would be for the conference location to alternate from northern Alberta to southern Alberta locations each year to allow all members the opportunity to attend as often as possible.

    2) Regional Hosting Opportunities: It is strongly recommended to take advantage of regional support in hosting the conference.

    3) Sufficiency of Meeting Facility: The meeting facilities must have the capacity for up to 400+ delegates, sponsors, trade show participants and special guests.

    4) Logistics of a Trade Show Venue: The trade show is an important part of the conference, providing delegates with important product and service information and contacts. In addition, significant conference revenue is generated by the trade show. Therefore, it is important to ensure the conference facility will accommodate a trade show with plenty of delegate traffic during break times, etc.

    5) Hotel Accommodations: Reasonably priced hotel(s) must be near the meeting facility and have accommodation for 400+ delegates, sponsors, trade show participants and special guests.

    6) Accessibility: The location of the conference should be near primary highways and an airport to provide easy access for the delegates.

    7) Enthusiasm: The conference committee must be keen to organize the conference. It is important to have the commitment and support of an organizational team.

    8) Resource Capacity: The conference committee should have access to the resources required to coordinate the conference.

    9) Reasonable overall costs: The overall costs of the conference should be kept reasonable. While quality should not be compromised, keeping the costs reasonable will ensure delegate participation.

    10) The conference budget is subject to approval by the board of directors.

    Board Responsibilities

    The Board assigns the Executive Director to determine conference location and timelines 3 years in advance.

    About Us

    GFOA Alberta is a professional organization whose purpose is to enhance the practice of governmental finance in the Province of Alberta. Our objectives include:

    • Promote networking opportunities for all government finance officials within all levels of government
    • Support and promotion of Provincial, Canadian and International GFOA Conferences and training programs
    • Communication with membership on financial issues
    • Liaison with Municipal Affairs
    • Enhance the profile of GFOA Alberta.

    Our Association is affiliated with the International Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and maintains contact with its staff to promote training opportunities and participation in annual international GFOA conferences.

    Quick Connect to GFOA Alberta

    Contact Us

    We're always happy to hear from you. Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.


    Quick Connect to GFOA Alberta

    About Us

    GFOA Alberta is a professional organization whose purpose is to enhance the practice of governmental finance in the Province of Alberta. Our objectives include:

    • Promote networking opportunities for all government finance officials within all levels of government
    • Support and promotion of Provincial, Canadian and International GFOA Conferences and training programs
    • Communication with membership on financial issues
    • Liaison with Municipal Affairs
    • Enhance the profile of GFOA Alberta.

    Our Association is affiliated with the International Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and maintains contact with its staff to promote training opportunities and participation in annual international GFOA conferences.

    Contact Us

    We're always happy to hear from you. Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.
