Events Code of Conduct


Code of Conduct 

GFOA Alberta is dedicated to maintaining an environment that respects and supports the dignity of all attendees, employees, exhibitors, speakers, sponsors, volunteers, and other participants at its hosted events. All participants have the right to an environment free from harassment and bullying, and GFOA Alberta is committed to proactively creating a workplace where individual differences are welcomed and valued. The purpose of GFOA Alberta’s Event Code of Conduct is to foster positive working relationships, manage conflict and to promptly and effectively respond to concerns and alleged violations of the Code.

Harassment is any conduct that is:

  • Unwelcome and ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.
  • Based on any of the prohibited grounds listed below; or
  • Detrimental and affects the work environment or leads to adverse workplace consequences for the person being harassed.

Bullying is inappropriate conduct or comments by a person towards another that the person knew or reasonably ought to have known would cause that a person to be humiliated or intimidated, but excludes any reasonable action taken by an employer, supervisor, or board member relating to the management and direction of workers and volunteers.

The prohibited grounds of discrimination referred to above are set out and defined in the Provincial Human Rights Code/Acts, specifically, including race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical disability, mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, age and criminal or summary conviction offence.

Harassment prohibited by this policy includes sexual harassment, along with harassment based on any of the other prohibited grounds.

Examples of harassment can include, but are not limited to, the following behaviours:

  • Unwelcome remarks, jokes, nicknames, slurs, innuendo or taunting related to any of the prohibited grounds;
  • Unwelcome, inappropriate email or Internet use related to a prohibited ground;
  • Unwelcome, inappropriate comments about a person’s perceived sexual attractiveness or unattractiveness;
  • Unwelcome, inappropriate posters, cartoons, pinups, electronic images or other similar materials related to a prohibited ground; and,
  • Unwelcome romantic or sexual advances.



Retaliation is also a form of discrimination. Retaliation damages the event atmosphere by intimidating and silencing individuals from speaking up about harassment. No person shall be subjected to retaliation or reprisal for having sought assistance related to harassment, or for having made a harassment complaint or for having participated in the resolution of a harassment complaint.


An individual who believes that they are being harassed or bullied under this policy may:

  • If comfortable doing so, inform the other individual that their conduct is unwelcome and request that the offensive behaviour stop; and,
  • If the situation is not resolved, or the individual does not wish to speak directly to the other individual, they may discuss their complaint with any member of GFOA Alberta board of directors.

Any party asked to stop any harassing or bullying behaviour are expected to comply immediately.

Regular, Associate, Affiliate, Patrons Members, Guests or Vendors in exposition halls, vendor booths, sponsorship, speaking engagements, or any GFOA Alberta activities are also subject to the code of conduct policy. In particular, exhibitors should not use sexualized images, activities, or other material. Booth staff (including volunteers) should not use sexualized clothing/uniforms/costumes, or otherwise create a sexualized environment.

If a party engages in harassing or bullying behaviour, GFOA Alberta Board of Directors retains the right to take any actions to keep the event a welcoming environment for all participants. This includes warning the offender or expulsion from the event.

GFOA Alberta may take action to redress anything designed to, or with the clear impact of, disrupting the event or making the environment hostile for any participants.

We expect participants to follow these rules at all event venues and event-related social activities.


Speakers are an integral part of GFOA Alberta’s annual conference. Speakers are enlisted to enlighten and educate attendees. Speakers are expected to be respectful of attendees’ time and as such start and finish in a timely manner. Attendees should have an opportunity to ask questions relevant to the speaker’s presentation. Speakers are not to use their time to promote or dwell on their services or products. It is acceptable for a speaker to briefly mention that they can be available outside of the time provided to speak about products or services.


If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report it as soon as possible to any member of GFOA Alberta Board of Directors. Harassment and bullying reduce the value of our events for everyone. We want you to be happy at our events. People like you make our event a better place. All reporting will be handled with as much attention to confidentiality as possible.

You may submit a report using two methods:

     1) Submit a report via email to: or Please include all detail possible at the time of reporting.

     2) Submit an “in-person” report to a GFOA Board Director. The GFOA Alberta Board Member will ensure you are safe and cannot be overheard. A Board Member may involve other board members to ensure your report is managed properly. Once in a private location, we’ll ask you to tell us about what happened. This can be upsetting, but we will handle it as respectfully as possible, and you can bring someone to support you. You won’t be asked to confront anyone, and we will not tell anyone who you are.

Any GFOA Alberta Director or Volunteer will be happy to help you contact hotel/venue security, local law enforcement, local support services or otherwise assist you to feel safe for the duration of the event. The GFOA Alberta volunteer team values your attendance

About Us

GFOA Alberta is a professional organization whose purpose is to enhance the practice of governmental finance in the Province of Alberta. Our objectives include:

  • Promote networking opportunities for all government finance officials within all levels of government
  • Support and promotion of Provincial, Canadian and International GFOA Conferences and training programs
  • Communication with membership on financial issues
  • Liaison with Municipal Affairs
  • Enhance the profile of GFOA Alberta.

Our Association is affiliated with the International Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and maintains contact with its staff to promote training opportunities and participation in annual international GFOA conferences.

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About Us

GFOA Alberta is a professional organization whose purpose is to enhance the practice of governmental finance in the Province of Alberta. Our objectives include:

  • Promote networking opportunities for all government finance officials within all levels of government
  • Support and promotion of Provincial, Canadian and International GFOA Conferences and training programs
  • Communication with membership on financial issues
  • Liaison with Municipal Affairs
  • Enhance the profile of GFOA Alberta.

Our Association is affiliated with the International Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and maintains contact with its staff to promote training opportunities and participation in annual international GFOA conferences.

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