GFOA Alberta Policy Handbook
Board Self (Governance)
Governing Style and AGM
GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual |
Policy Type: Board Self (Governance) |
Number: 2.1. Download |
Policy Name: Governing Style and AGM |
Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020 Date of Last Amendment: |
The Board of Directors (Board) represents the membership of the Association. It is responsible directly for the development and communication of the Association’s mission. The board is responsible for long term planning and direction. It defines the organizational culture, values, operating principles and parameters within which it expects the Executive Director to manage the Association’s operations. (reference Policy 1.1 to 1.5) The Board will focus on strategic leadership rather than administrative detail, important policy rather than operational matters. It will establish and respect distinctions between the Board and Administration roles and manage any overlap between the respective roles in a spirit of collegiality and partnership that supports the authority of Administration and maintains proper lines of accountability.
Annual General Meeting (AGM) The Board will hold an annual general meeting on or before June 30th of each year at a time and place as determined by the Board. Generally, it will be held during the annual conference. Agenda will be set by the President and will include presentation of the Financial Statements of the Association as well as nominations for election of the Board of Directors. (reference Policy 2.2.3) Quorum is set at seven (7) active Members of the Association and each member attendee will be entitled to one (1) vote. Members must be present to vote. The membership will be given at least twenty (20) days written notice, fourteen (14) days electronic or facsimile notification, of the meeting date, location and time. |
Board Self (Governance)
Board Recruitment
GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual |
Policy Type: Board Self (Governance) |
Number: 2.2.1 Download |
Policy Name: Board Recruitment |
Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020 Date of Last Amendment: |
Preamble All active members in good standing will be considered for positions on the Board of Directors (Board) on the basis of former performance in office, experience in the government finance sector, professional integrity, and proven activity in pursuing the goals of GFOA Alberta. Executive members should be chosen on the basis of their potential contribution to GFOA Alberta as evidenced by their past record as members of the Association, the governmental finance profession and related professional activities. All Board members will be nominated and/or elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Policy The Board Positions for GFOA Alberta are defined in Policy 2.2.3 Board Structure and are as follows:
The Board, with the exception of the immediate Past President, shall be elected at the AGM of the Association and shall hold office for a period of one (1) year, or until their successors have been duly elected. Vacancies on the Board, however caused, may be filled by an appointment by the Board for the unexpired term of the person creating the vacancy. Such appointment must be made from active Members in good standing. Election of the Board The Board shall appoint a nominating committee comprised of two (2) active members in good standing who shall select not less than one name, from the active membership in good standing, for each Director position which is to be filled at an AGM. The annual nomination of the nominating committee will follow a succession order of positions should the representatives be interested in continuing on with the Board and holding a different position and will include any other nominee whose name has been brought forward. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the AGM by an active member in good standing. All manner of holding elections and the rules of procedure pertaining thereto shall be prescribed by the Board. Length of Office A member of the Board shall not hold the office of President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer for more than 3 consecutive years, unless it is determined by acclamation as no other positions are available or nominations submitted. Recruitment Considerations 1. Size and Type of Governmental Bodies: It is generally agreed that the Board should be composed of members representing a variety of sizes and types of governmental units. The nominating committee should review the current representation on the Board (mixture of both larger and smaller local governments) when presenting the slate of candidates to the members. This representation should include members from large, intermediate and small government units. In addition, they may represent counties, cities, towns, villages, summer villages, special districts and other forms of local government. 2. Representation from the Province: Representation from the Province would be considered an asset to the Board and enhance communication between Municipal Affairs and the membership. 3. Balance of Regional Representation: The nominating committee should consider candidates for positions on the Board who represent both the northern and southern regions of the Province. 4. Balance of Experience: Individuals nominated should represent a varied experience in governmental finance. Task Force members who are interested in moving to Board level representation would be considered an asset. 5. Communication Abilities: Individuals nominated should possess an understanding of the current goals of the organization and be able to effectively communicate those goals. Notwithstanding the criteria set out above, the Board will actively solicit and review applications from all members. Member Information Form The Nominating Committee may request nominated individuals to complete a Member Information Form (attached as Appendix A). |
Board Self (Governance)
Board Orientation
GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual |
Policy Type: Board Self (Governance) |
Number: 2.2.2 Download |
Policy Name: Board Orientation |
Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020 Date of Last Amendment: |
The Board of Directors (Board) believes that to be effective in sustaining the Board’s ability to use a governing system, orientation of new board members is critical in ensuring there is an understanding of the Board’s overall principles and concepts of how the Board operates, as well as an understanding of the Association as a whole. The orientation process is meant to assist all new directors in feeling comfortable within their new roles and their contribution to the Board as early in their tenure as possible. The goal of the orientation of new directors is to help them in the following manner:
The GFOA Alberta President will be responsible for contacting all new Directors to orient them on the Board’s role, decision-making, committees and Board-Administration communication, board practices, etc. Each new Director will be provided with or have electronic access to the following documents to ensure they have a good understanding of the Board, its roles and policies. Orientation Document Checklist – Electronically
Board Self (Governance)
Board Structure
GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual |
Policy Type: Board Self (Governance) |
Number: 2.2.3 Download |
Policy Name: Board Structure |
Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020 Date of Last Amendment: |
The Board of Directors (Board) shall be elected from the active members in good standing, residing in Alberta and shall be comprised of the following positions:
The Board, with the exception of the immediate Past-President, shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Association and shall hold office for a period on one (1) year, or until their successors have been duly elected. Vacancies on the Board, however caused, may be filled by an appointment by the Board for the unexpired term of the person creating the vacancy. Such appointment must be made from active members in good standing. All considerations for filling or nominating any of the above positions are referenced in Policy 2.2.1. The Roles and Responsibilities of the Board (as a whole) are to:
The Responsibilities of the President include the following:
The Responsibilities of the Vice-President include the following:
The Responsibilities of the Secretary include the following:
The Responsibilities of the Treasurer include the following:
The Responsibilities of the Municipal Affairs Representative include the following:
The Responsibilities of the Immediate Past President include the following:
GFOA Alberta Organizational Chart
Board Self (Governance)
Task Forces
GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual |
Policy Type: Board Self (Governance) |
Number: 2.2.4 Download |
Policy Name: Task Forces |
Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020 Date of Last Amendment: |
The Board of Directors (Board) has identified key areas of the Association that require the attention of a task force comprised of GFOA Alberta members. The creation of a task force is at the discretion of the Board. The purpose of a task force is generally defined as follows:
Task Forces may be created for general operational matters or for specific purposes or issues over a specific period of time. Task Forces are charged with the operation and management of their respective mandates, defined in their Terms of Reference, and subject to oversight from the Board and Executive Director. Prior to the formation of any new task force, the Board is responsible for defining the terms of reference for that task force. Following the establishment of the task force, the Task Force is responsible for developing a business plan and progress report for key activities. Task Force business plans and progress reports are subject to approval by the Board and should align with the GFOA Alberta Strategic Plan. Current Task Forces include:
*Each Task Force has its own Terms of Reference that is reviewed and adopted annually* *TOR are available on the website* |
Board Self (Governance)
Committee Definition, Responsibilities & Principles
GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual |
Policy Type: Board Self (Governance) |
Number: 2.2.5 Download |
Policy Name: Committee Definition, Responsibilities & Principles |
Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020 Date of Last Amendment: |
Purpose This Board of Directors (Board) policy is intended to provide a framework and foundation for the specific Terms of Reference of each of the Ad Hoc Committees. Relationship between the Board and Board Standing Ad Hoc Committees i. The Board has “ownership” of the work that is done on its behalf by Ad Hoc Committees, etc.; ii. The Board delegates responsibility to Ad Hoc Committees, which make recommendations for approval by the Board; iii. There should be an alignment between Board responsibilities and Board Ad Hoc Committees, with the exception of those responsibilities which are directly fulfilled by the Board as a whole; iv. The Board will determine the duties of each Ad Hoc Committee. The Board will approve terms of reference and membership of the Board committees annually; v. The Board will monitor the performance of its Ad Hoc Committees at each regular Board meeting through a summary written report and a verbal report by the committee chair related to specific recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee for approval by the Board; vi. The Ad Hoc Committee will raise key issues for Board discussion/decision. Adequate time is allotted at Board meetings for consideration of major Committee recommendations; vii. The Terms of Reference for Ad Hoc Committees will be reviewed annually by the respective committee, which will make recommendations to the Board for revisions as appropriate; viii. Ad Hoc Committees may not speak or act for the Board, except when formally given such authority for specific and time-limited purposes. Such delegation will be framed to not conflict with the authority delegated to the Executive Director. ix. Unless otherwise specified, Ad Hoc Committees may not commit or bind the Association to any course of action and no decision of a committee is binding on the Board, until approved or ratified by the Board; x. Unless otherwise authorized to do so, an Ad Hoc Committee may not engage independent legal counsel or consulting advice without prior Board approval. |
Board Self (Governance)
Board Remuneration
GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual |
Policy Type: Board Self (Governance) |
Number: 2.2.6 Download |
Policy Name: Board Remuneration |
Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020 Date of Last Amendment: |
Policy The Board of Directors (Board) positions are volunteer positions and remuneration for time will not be paid to representatives of GFOA Alberta (“representatives”). The Association does recognize that some of the Board work may require travel and some out of pocket expenses to incur, for which the Association will reimburse in the cases where the performance of their duties was not reimbursed by the municipality. Representatives include members of the Board, Task Forces, Special (Ad Hoc) Committees, the Committee on Canadian Issues (CCI) and Administration. The remuneration policy for Representatives reflects the interests of the membership. If remuneration is required, all expense claims, with receipts will be reviewed and approved by the GFOA Alberta President prior to any reimbursement being issued. Authorization: Travel may be authorized where the purpose for travel cannot be adequately met through correspondence, telephone, or other means of communication. The method of transportation is at the discretion of representatives and will normally be the most direct and economical, considering such factors as the purpose of the trip, costs incurred in subsistence, and the amount of the fare or mileage cost, in accordance with the budget as approved by the Board. In an effort to keep membership fees as low as possible, the Board, Task Forces and Special Committees, as volunteer members, are encouraged to claim out of pocket expenses only. Travel expenses require pre-approval (based on reasonable estimates) of the President or Vice President. Evidence of the pre-approval is required for payment of any expenses incurred. Transportation: It is expected that representatives determine the most economical and practical method of transportation available. Private Vehicle Travel In exceptional circumstances, mileage allowances are paid for the specific purpose of reimbursing representatives for the actual cost of using their vehicles on GFOA Alberta business. When applicable, the Representative will be reimbursed at the rate prescribed by the Province of Alberta. Where mileage allowance is not provided, the cost of fuel will be reimbursed with supporting receipts. Ground Transportation Representatives on travel status may, upon submission of a receipt, claim the actual and reasonable cost of public transit, taxi, and rental car or airport bus service incurred for business purposes. Representatives are encouraged to utilize public transit as a first means of transportation whenever possible. Parking Parking fees will be reimbursed at actual cost when supported by receipts. Normal meter parking fees may be claimed without a receipt. Air Travel Representatives are required to take advantage of seat sales and excursion rates wherever possible, but in no instance are permitted to travel at a cost exceeding economy airfare rates. Reimbursement is for the actual cost of the fare and must be supported by receipts. Accommodations: Representatives on travel status required to be away from their regular place of residence overnight may claim the actual and reasonable cost of commercial accommodation upon production of a receipt. Alternatively, representatives may claim an allowance of $50.00 per night if staying at private, non-commercial accommodation. The claiming of an accommodation allowance does not require a receipt. Meals: When traveling on Association business, Representatives may purchase a meal and claim either the actual cost of a meal or a meal allowance. The actual cost of the meal is the amount shown on the receipt, excluding alcoholic beverages, plus a gratuity of up to 15 percent of the meal cost. The meal allowances are equivalent to the rates prescribed by the Province of Alberta for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The claiming of a meal allowance does not require a receipt. In an effort to keep membership fees as low as possible, the Board, Task Forces and Special Committees, as volunteer members, are encouraged to pay for their meals during travel. Extraordinary Expenses: If unusual expenses, not outlined in this policy are incurred, Representatives may be entitled to reimbursement of the costs upon presentation of receipts and approval by the President. Travel Outside Canada: Any travel out of country by a GFOA Alberta Representative where costs may be incurred by the Association, must be approved by the Board prior to travel. Upon approval, the travel and subsistence rates provided by the Association may be claimed by the Representative at a rate equivalent to the currency of the country in which the expenditure was incurred. Procedure: Expense claims are to be completed as soon as possible after return from travel on the attached Travel Claim form. The GFOA Alberta President and Treasurer will approve the Travel Expense Claim form for reimbursement. |
Board Self (Governance)
Board Roles and Responsibilities – Board Liability Insurance
GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual |
Policy Type: Board Self (Governance) |
Number: 2.2.7 Download |
Policy Name: Board Roles and Responsibilities – Board Liability Insurance |
Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020 Date of Last Amendment: |
The Association shall hold appropriate Liability Insurance on behalf of the Board of Directors (Board) and Administration. No Board member or Administration shall, in any capacity, be held personally liable for any debts or liabilities of the Association except for those that are due to their intentional neglect or fault. Each Board member and Administration shall be indemnified and saved harmless against all odds, charges and expenses, which may occur in or about any execution of the duties of office. Annually, Administration will confirm that the coverage is in place. |
About Us
GFOA Alberta is a professional organization whose purpose is to enhance the practice of governmental finance in the Province of Alberta. Our objectives include:
- Promote networking opportunities for all government finance officials within all levels of government
- Support and promotion of Provincial, Canadian and International GFOA Conferences and training programs
- Communication with membership on financial issues
- Liaison with Municipal Affairs
- Enhance the profile of GFOA Alberta.
Our Association is affiliated with the International Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and maintains contact with its staff to promote training opportunities and participation in annual international GFOA conferences.
Quick Connect to GFOA Alberta
Quick Connect to GFOA Alberta
About Us
GFOA Alberta is a professional organization whose purpose is to enhance the practice of governmental finance in the Province of Alberta. Our objectives include:
- Promote networking opportunities for all government finance officials within all levels of government
- Support and promotion of Provincial, Canadian and International GFOA Conferences and training programs
- Communication with membership on financial issues
- Liaison with Municipal Affairs
- Enhance the profile of GFOA Alberta.
Our Association is affiliated with the International Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and maintains contact with its staff to promote training opportunities and participation in annual international GFOA conferences.