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About Us

GFOA Alberta is a professional organization whose purpose is to enhance the practice of governmental finance in the Province of Alberta. Our objectives include:

  • Promote networking opportunities for all government finance officials within all levels of government
  • Support and promotion of Provincial, Canadian and International GFOA Conferences and training programs
  • Communication with membership on financial issues
  • Liaison with Municipal Affairs
  • Enhance the profile of GFOA Alberta.

Our Association is affiliated with the International Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and maintains contact with its staff to promote training opportunities and participation in annual international GFOA conferences.

Quick Connect to GFOA Alberta

Contact Us

We're always happy to hear from you. Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.


Quick Connect to GFOA Alberta

About Us

GFOA Alberta is a professional organization whose purpose is to enhance the practice of governmental finance in the Province of Alberta. Our objectives include:

  • Promote networking opportunities for all government finance officials within all levels of government
  • Support and promotion of Provincial, Canadian and International GFOA Conferences and training programs
  • Communication with membership on financial issues
  • Liaison with Municipal Affairs
  • Enhance the profile of GFOA Alberta.

Our Association is affiliated with the International Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and maintains contact with its staff to promote training opportunities and participation in annual international GFOA conferences.

Contact Us

We're always happy to hear from you. Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.
