GFOA Alberta Policy Handbook


Board of Directors

Code of Conduct


GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual

Policy Type:
Board of Directors
Number: 2.3.1     Download
Policy Name:
Code of Conduct
Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020
Date of Last Amendment:

GFOA Alberta is committed to fostering an environment of respect, teamwork and effective decision-making. The items below have been determined as key points of conduct in an effort to preserve the core values and business principles that GFOA Alberta is founded upon, a list of expectations and actions has been compiled that have been classified to assist in the success of the Board of Directors (Board), Administration and Association as a whole, including but not limited to Task Force and Committee members.

      • Review and conduct themselves in a manner that aligns with the adopted Code of Ethics Policy # ….
      • Represent the broad interests of members and/or stakeholders.
      • Refrain from trying to influence other Board members outside of Board meetings that might have the effect of creating factions and limiting free and open discussion.
      • Be willing to be a dissenting voice, to build on other Board member ideas, or to offer alternative points of view as options to be considered and invite others to do so too.
      • Once a Board decision is made, support the decision even if one’s own view is a minority one.
      • Not disclose or discuss differences of opinion on the Board with those who are noton the Board. The Board should communicate externally with “one voice”.
      • Respect the confidentiality of information on sensitive issues, especially in personnel matters.
      • Disclose one’s involvement with other organizations, businesses or individuals where such a relationship might be viewed as a conflict of interest.
      • Not use their status as a member of the Board to obtain personal gain from those doing or seeking to do business with GFOA Alberta.
      • Neither seek out nor accept gifts, payments, services, fees, special valuable privileges, pleasure or vacation trips, accommodations or loans from any person, organization or group that does or is seeking to do business with the Association.
      • Refrain from giving direction, as an individual Board member, to Administration
      • Respect all members and volunteers of GFOA Alberta.
      • A signed agreement of the Code of Conduct for Board of Directors, Task Force or Ad Hoc members and administration is required annually.


Acknowledgement & Agreement

I, ________________________ acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to comply with the GFOA ALBERTA CODE OF CONDUCT policy. Further, I understand that if I violate the rules/procedures outlined in this Policy, I may face corrective action, up to and including removal from the Board of Directors, Task Forces, Committees or Administration termination.

I understand that this policy can be amended at any time.

Name: ______________________________________________

Signature:  ___________________________________________

Date:  ______________________________________________

Witness:  ____________________________________________

Board of Directors

Board Meetings: Agenda Develoment, Schedule and Protocol


GFOA Alberta – Policy Manual

Policy Type:
Board of Directors
Number: 2.3.2     Download
Policy Name:
Agenda Develoment, Schedule and Board Meeting Protocol
Original Effective Date: May 6, 2020
Date of Last Amendment:

The Board of Directors (Board) is committed to effective and efficient meetings.

Agendas and Minutes (see below for agenda format)

      • Meetings are based on a prepared agenda.
      • Agenda topics will be determined by the President, in consultation with the Executive Director.
      • The Executive Director will communicate all necessary information to the Executive Administrator who is responsible for the preparation of the agenda.
      • Any Board members wishing to add items to the agenda are responsible for providing notice of agenda items, including a description of the item and any necessary documentation, to the Executive Administrator no less than one week prior to the meeting.
      • Electronic copies of the agenda and associated supporting documentation will be distributed to the Board and the Executive Director no less than 3 business days prior to the meeting.
      • Additions and/or amendments to the agenda may be made at the time of the meeting but should be limited to emergent items and require a resolution of the Board.
      • All matters requiring a decision of the Board are to be included in the agenda as separate meeting items.
      •  All items in the agenda are to carry a recommended course of action and where appropriate supplemented by supporting documentation.
      • The agenda is to be collated with the agenda items placed in the agenda order and marked with the agenda number. The agenda package will be consolidated into a single document.
      • Minutes of all Board meetings will be recorded by the Executive Administrator.
      • The Minutes are to clearly show resolutions and action points and who is to complete the action.
      • The Minutes will be available two weeks after the meeting is held whenever possible.
      • Minutes of the previous meeting will be presented for approval by resolution at each Board meeting.

Meeting Procedures


      • Meetings are held with the expectation that Board members have prepared for the meeting and will participate in all discussions at all times within the principles of acceptable behaviour.
      • Meeting times and dates are established by the Executive Administrator based on the Board input regarding availability.
      • Board meetings (via teleconference) will generally be held at least once per month.
      • In-person meetings shall be held annually in the fall. Additional in-person meetings will be at the discretion of the Board.
      • Quorum at Board meetings is 5 out of 9
      • All Board members, including the President, have an equal vote in decision making and are expected to vote on all matters before the Board.
      • A carried motion requires a majority vote of present Board members.
      • Tie votes result in a defeated motion.
      • Any Board member with a conflict or pecuniary interest in any issue shall not take part in any debate on such issues and will be asked to leave the meeting for the duration of the debate.

Special Meetings:

      • A special meeting may be called by the President at their discretion.
      • Advance notice of special meetings should be provided where possible to all Board members, the Executive Director and the Executive Administrator.

Closed Meetings:

      • The meeting may, by resolution, be closed to the public for any reason allowed for in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
      • No decisions of the Board may be made in a closed session.
      • A resolution is required to both close the meeting and re-open it.
      • The Board has the discretion to include any individuals it so chooses in a closed session.

Member Participation

      • Members at large with issues for the Board must contact the President who will decide if it’s appropriate that the member attend a future Board meeting to discuss the matter further.
      • Board approved Minutes will be posted to the Members Only section of the website for reference by Members.


      • Motions and amendments do not require seconding.
      • Motions and amendments once proposed may be withdrawn.
      • Any Board member may propose an amendment to any motion regardless if they made the original motion.
      • No further amendments may be accepted until the first one is disposed of.
      • A matter already discussed may not be reintroduced at the same meeting in any guise or by way of an amendment.
      • Defeated motions may not be reintroduced to the Board unless a motion allowing for the reintroduction of the issue is first passed.

Agenda Format

GFOA Alberta Board Meeting

1. Welcome / Introductions

2. Additions to / Adoption of Agenda

3. Minutes
a. Date of minutes

4. New Business
a. Example
i. Example

5. General Updates
a. Example
i. Example

6. For Information Only
a. Example
b. Example
c. Example

7. Date & Location of Next Meeting
Type of Meeting (in-person/teleconference): Date

8. Adjournment

About Us

GFOA Alberta is a professional organization whose purpose is to enhance the practice of governmental finance in the Province of Alberta. Our objectives include:

  • Promote networking opportunities for all government finance officials within all levels of government
  • Support and promotion of Provincial, Canadian and International GFOA Conferences and training programs
  • Communication with membership on financial issues
  • Liaison with Municipal Affairs
  • Enhance the profile of GFOA Alberta.

Our Association is affiliated with the International Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and maintains contact with its staff to promote training opportunities and participation in annual international GFOA conferences.

Quick Connect to GFOA Alberta

Contact Us

We're always happy to hear from you. Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.


Quick Connect to GFOA Alberta

About Us

GFOA Alberta is a professional organization whose purpose is to enhance the practice of governmental finance in the Province of Alberta. Our objectives include:

  • Promote networking opportunities for all government finance officials within all levels of government
  • Support and promotion of Provincial, Canadian and International GFOA Conferences and training programs
  • Communication with membership on financial issues
  • Liaison with Municipal Affairs
  • Enhance the profile of GFOA Alberta.

Our Association is affiliated with the International Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and maintains contact with its staff to promote training opportunities and participation in annual international GFOA conferences.

Contact Us

We're always happy to hear from you. Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.
