Registered for GFOA Alberta Annual Conference 2023 and want to Purchase the Gala, Golf or ARO Workshop Add-ons?
Easy Peasy! Just complete the form below and we’ll take care of setting your add-ons up on your account. If you aren’t seeing a form below, simply login to the site using your username and password set up when your membership was renewed or assigned and cme back to this page.
For each Conference 2023 Pass you purchase, you may add one (1) Gala Add-On for an attending spouse or partner, and one (1) Golf Tournament Entry for yourself and a spouse or partner.
Remember, you must be registered for the Conference to purchase any add-ons, so if you haven’t registered yet, be sure to do that first.
Member and Non Member Conference Rates:
Conference 2023 Options
Conference 2023 Pass (includes Gala)
Guest Gala Add-On
Golf Add-on
ARO Workshop Add-on
Early Bird Member Rate
$750.00 + GST /person
$150.00 + GST /person
$239.00 + GST /person
$150.00 + GST /person
Regular Member Rates
$950.00 + GST /person
$150.00 + GST /person
$239.00 + GST /person
$150.00 + GST /person
Early Bird Non-Member Rates
$950.00 + GST /person
$150.00 + GST /person
$239.00 + GST /person
$150.00 + GST /person
Regular Non-Member Rates
$1150.00 + GST /person
$150.00 + GST /person
$239.00 + GST /person
$150.00 + GST /person